The following reporting documents are required:
- Completed death notice (form J294)
- Original or certified copy of the death certificate
- Original or certified copy of a marriage certificate (if applicable)
- All original wills and codicils or documents intended as such (if any)
- Next-of-kin affidavit if the deceased did not leave a valid will (form J192)
- Completed inventory form (form J243)
- Nominations by the heirs for the appointment of an executor in the case of an intestate estate, or where no executor has been nominated in the wiill, or the nominated executor has died or declines the appointment.
- Completed acceptance of trust as executor forms in duplicate by the person(s) nominated as executor(s) (form J190) plus a certified copy of the photo page of the executor’s ID document. An undertaking and bond of security, unless the nominated executor has been exempted from providing security in the will, or is the parent, spouse or child of the deceased (form J262)
- Affidavit by the next-of-kin of a deceased person who has died without leaving a valid will, to the effect that the estate has not already been reported to another Master or service point (if applicable)
- Declaration of subsisting marriages